W najnowszym rankingu Chambers Europe 2019 – uznawanym za jeden z najbardziej prestiżowych i godnych zaufania międzynarodowych przewodników po rynku usług prawniczych – kancelaria WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr otrzymała rekomendacje w aż 11 specjalizacjach, zajmując tym samym pozycję wicelidera wśród polskich, niezależnych kancelarii prawnych pod względem liczby rekomendowanych praktyk.
Aż dwie spośród naszych praktyk awansowały w stosunku do ubiegłorocznych zestawień. W kategorii Competition/Antitrust kancelaria WKB znalazła się w Band 1, dołączając do elitarnego grona najlepszych polskich firm specjalizujących się w prawie konkurencji, natomiast kategorii Dispute Resolution dołączyliśmy do grona firm sklasyfikowanych w Band 3.
Awanse zanotowało również aż czterech spośród osiemnastu prawników WKB wyróżnionych indywidualnie: Bartosz Turno (Band 2, Competition/Antitrust), Sergiusz Urban (Band 2, Environment), Marcin Smolarek (Band 5, Banking & Finance). W kolejnym zestawieniu znalazł się też Jakub Jędrzejak, który wszedł do grona prawników rekomendowanych w kategorii Private Equity (Up and Coming).
Wydawnictwo Chambers & Partners przyznało WKB rekomendacje w następujących kategoriach:
- Competition/Antitrust: Band 1
The team is deemed by clients as „responsible, with very good information flow and having the ability to make quick decisions.” Another client describes them as a „very good, organised team, confident and fast in responding to enquiries.”
Indywidualne rekomendacje dla Aleksandra Stawickiego (Band 1) i Bartosza Turno (Band 2).
One client says Aleksander Stawicki is „highly experienced, very pragmatic and having a business-oriented approach to cases.” One client points out that Bartosz Turno „is highly qualified in competition law issues, he has not only theoretical knowledge but has also a good understanding of business.”
- Public Procurement: Band 1
Clients applaud the department for the quality of its client service. „The team has wide and diversified knowledge both practical and in terms of content,” says one interviewee, before adding that „the team members show great engagement in solving the problems.”
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Jana Rolińskiego (Band 1) i Agnieszki Chwiałkowskiej (Band 4).
Jan Roliński “is open-minded and very bright,” declares one client, adding that „his personal attitude makes resolving even the toughest issues just effortless.” Interviewees appreciate dedication of Agnieszka Chwiałkowska, reporting that she „shows broad knowledge, engagement and support.”
- Energy & Natural Resources: Band 2
Indywidualne rekomendacje dla Jerzego Baehra (Band 1) i Macieja Szambelańczyka (Band 4).
Maciej Szambelańczyk is described by one commentator as a „valued expert in the renewable energy sources market,” while another characterises him as a „very bright lawyer.”
- Environment: Band 2
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Sergiusza Urbana (Band 2).
One client emphasises Sergiusz Urban’s ability to „explain complex issues and answer ad hoc questions,” adding: „We also appreciate his practical experience of other industries and sectors.”
- Dispute Resolution: Band 3
Interviewees highlight the team’s business-oriented approach and attention to details. „They advise very practically. They serve their clients with all their knowledge and experience, and work with very high precision and commitment,” notes one impressed source. Clients also report that the team has a „feeling of how to best approach the authorities and individual persons to best serve our case.”
Indywidualne rekomendacje dla Bartłomieja Jankowskiego (Band 3) i Tomasza Kwiecińskiego (Band 4).
Bartłomiej Jankowski is described by clients as „an excellent strategic adviser, able to always be a few steps forward.” Tomasz Kwieciński is valued his „experience and comprehensive legal knowledge.”
- Restructuring/Insolvency: Band 3
The team is highly regarded for its „comprehensive documentation, good understanding of clients’ difficulties and ability to point out crucial issues.”
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Andrzeja Wiercińskiego (Band 3) i Marcina Smolarka (Up and coming).
Andrzej Wierciński is praised by sources as „a person of great confidence in getting things done.” An impressed client says that Marcin Smolarek „is the most important person to the business,” while another source notes that „he is extremely good and clients like him.”
- Banking & Finance: Band 4
Sources admire the team’s quality of advice, noting that it „pays attention to tasks and the needs of clients” and „provides you with the bigger picture, highlighting some of the challenges or matters that could have been not foreseen.” Interviewees also say that the lawyers „are responsive, show knowledge in their field and are clear in their communication.”
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Marcina Smolarka (Band 5).
- Corporate/M&A: Band 4
Interviewees highlight the team for its dedication, with one source noting: „They go the extra mile for their clients’ interests.” Sources also commend the lawyers for their availability and responsiveness. „They are very well organised and efficiently carried out the whole process,” notes one client.
Indywidualne rekomendacje dla Andrzeja Wiercińskiego (Eminent Practitioner) i Jakuba Jędrzejaka (Band 4).
Eminent practitioner Andrzej Wierciński is widely respected for his long-standing expertise in corporate law and M&A transactions. He is praised by market sources for his „good commercial understanding of clients’ needs.” Market commentators report Jakub Jędrzejak to be a „very talented” and „skilful lawyer who’s good at what he does and finds solutions.”
- Intellectual Property: Band 4
Clients praise the team’s level of preparation: „They are real experts who know how to present arguments to be easily captured by appropriate individuals.”
Indywidualne rekomendacje dla Agnieszki Wiercińskiej-Krużewskiej (Band 4) i Aleksandry Wędrychowskiej-Karpińskiej (Band 4).
- Private equity: Band 4
Clients laud the team’s dedication to work, describing the lawyers as „very hands-on and responsive.”
Indywidualna rekomendacja dla Jakuba Jędrzejaka (Up and coming), który zyskuje miejsce w rankingu on the back of strong market endorsements.
- Projects & Infrastructure – Recognised Practitioner
Ponadto, indywidualną rekomendację otrzymał także
- Jakub Pokrzywniak kategorii Banking & Finance: Insurance: Band 1.
„He is very experienced and pragmatic, and provides really good advice,” says one impressed source, while another highlights his „understanding of the business background and prompt reactions to additional queries.”
Chambers Europe jest jednym z najważniejszych, międzynarodowych rankingów kancelarii prawnych, wydawanym co roku przez Chambers & Partners. Powstaje na podstawie szczegółowego badania kancelarii prawnych oraz wywiadów z klientami.
Zachęcamy do zapoznania się ze szczegółowymi wynikami rankingu Chambers Europe 2019 na stronie wydawcy: https://www.chambersandpartners.com/Europe/firm/91686/wkb-wiercinski-kwiecinski-baehr