Disseminated by C.H. Beck publishing house towards the end of December 2018 was a publication titled ‘Environmental Protection Act. Commentary’. Among its authors is Sergiusz Urban, head of the Environmental protection law and natural resources practice at WKB.
Commentary on the act of 27 April 2001 – The environmental protection act does not only discuss environmental regulations in detail, but also gives a series of practical examples that provide comprehensive explanation of particular solutions and mechanisms. The authors address, among others, issues connected with:
- quality protection and limitations with regard to exploitation of natural resources,
- permits allowing release of substances or discharge of energy into the environment,
- serious malfunctions or failures,
- charging environmental fees,
- administrative fines,
- liability in environmental protection,
- activity of administrative bodies and environmental protection agencies.
For more information concerning this publication please visit wydawnictwo C.H. Beck.