In November 2020, C.H. Beck publishing house released the third volume of the series titled “System prawa handlowego.” (Commercial contract law. System of commercial law). Vol. 5C included continuation of considerations on the detailed part of commercial contract law (commenced in volumes 5A and 5B), and discussion of the following types of contract:
- investment and construction contracts,
- energy contracts,
- transportation and logistics contracts,
- tourism contracts,
- banking contracts,
- factoring and forfaiting contracts,
- financial instrument contracts,
- insurance contracts,
- electronic trading agreements,
- medical contracts.
The chapter on insurance contracts is co-authored by dr hab. Jakub Pokrzywniak, a co-head of WKB insurance team. The author thoroughly discusses all aspects of the insurance guarantee, from explanation of the very definition and function of the guarantee, to discussion of legal regulations related to this type of contract, to the issues of payments and claims.
More information on the publication is available on C.H. Beck publisher’s website (in Polish).